Search results for "pikʷ/pɨkʷ ʸ"

pikʷ/pɨkʷ ʸ v. whistle siffler (6 groups, 18 languages) B cf: vats, viɮ, v.
Two alternative roots are proposed due to the contradictory evidence. The data from the Daba, Mafa and Mofu groups supports reconstructing the palatalisation prosody, whilst the data from the other groups indicates that the vowel *i should be reconstructed. *p has the reflex *f in all groups, which is not expected in word-initial position. The word may therefore have an onomatapoeic origin.

1Proto-Bata *fikʷ whistle siffler 1.1) Gude (Hoskinson) fiku whistle 1.2) Jimi (Djibi) fikʷən Siffler avec la bouche ;

2Proto-Daba *fɨfakʷ ʸ whistle siffler 2.1) Buwal (Viljoen) fefekʷ whistle (v) siffler 2.2) Mbudum (Ndokobaï) fəfek whistle (v) siffler 2.2.1) Mbudum (Ndokobaï) fəfək whistle (v) siffler

3Proto-Mafa *fɨkʷ ʸ whistle siffler 3.1) Mafa (Barreteau) fʉkʷ siffler 3.2) Cuvok (Gravina) fəfkʷa hiss siffler (serpent) 3.2.1) Cuvok (Gravina) fafkʷa blow souffler 3.2.2) Cuvok (Gravina) fafkʷa whistle (v) siffler

4Proto-Mandara *fikʷa whistle siffler 4.1) Podoko (Swackhammer) fikʷá siffler 4.2) Mandara (Fluckiger) fikʷa siffler 4.3) Malgwa (Löhr) fiikʷa whistle 4.4) Glavda (Nghagyiva) fàfíkʷa whistle (v) 4.5) Dghwede (Frick) fəge to blow

5Proto-Mofu *fɨkʷ ʸ whistle siffler 5.1) Muyang (Smith) fikʷej whistle siffler 5.2) Moloko (Friesen) fokaj whistle with your lips siffler avec les lèvres 5.3) Zulgo (Haller) fèfekʷé siffler 5.4) Gemzek (Sabatai) mefukʷe dədœ hiss siffler (serpent) 5.4.1) Gemzek (Sabatai) mefukʷe siffler 5.4.2) Gemzek (Sabatai) fuk blow souffler 5.5) Merey (Gravina) fəfəkʷ blow, hiss siffler (serpent), souffler 5.6) Mofu-Gudur (Hollingsworth) fáfákʷ siffler 5.6.1) Mofu-Gudur (Hollingsworth) fáfákʷ whistle (with mouth, without instrument), call by whistling (a dog, goat) siffler (avec la bouche, sans instrument), appeler en sifflant (un chien, chèvre)

6Proto-Higi *figʷe whistle siffler 6.1) Kamwe-Futu (Harley) figʷe whistle
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